XXVI GC. Fr. Mathew Vattamattam CMF, re-elected Superior General

Aug 30, 2021 | Congregation, General Chapters, General Government, General Superiors, Noticeboard, XXVI General Chapter

During the morning session of this Monday, August 30, 2021, the Chapter re-elected Fr. Mathew Vattamattam CMF, as Superior General of the Congregation of the Claretian Missionaries.

The election day began at 7:00 a.m. with the celebration of the Eucharist. During the Mass the light of the Holy Spirit was invoked to guide this discernment, transcendental for the life of our Congregation.

The formal session in the chapter hall began at 9:00 a.m., with 74 capitulars present in the hall, two of whom were virtually connected in their rooms due to quarantine, and two more, who were unable to travel to Rome due to Covid restrictions in their respective country. The session began with a heartfelt apostolic prayer.

Later, the capitulars gathered in the chapel in front of the Master Jesus to pray and be inspired by the Holy Spirit in the election of the Superior General. At 11:30 a.m. the election began in the chapter hall.

The moderator, Fr. Gonzalo Fernández CMF, who moderated the session, asked the usual question about the acceptance of the election. Fr. Mathew concluded by accepting this great responsibility. His words were greeted by the capitulars with warm applause and then everyone rose to greet and congratulate him.

Fr. Mathew Vattamattam CMF was born on October 4, 1959 in Kalathoor, Kerala (India), St. Mary’s Parish, Kalathoor.

He did his basic studies at St. Mary School, Kalathoor, secondary studies at St. John’s High School, Kanjirathanam.

He entered the congregation at the Claret Bhavan in Kuravilangad on July 3, 1974. He made his first profession on May 31, 1978 and took his final vows on May 31, 1984. He was ordained a priest on May 10, 1986.

From 1986-1987 he served as assistant vocation promoter and assistant formator of aspirants at the Claret Bhavan Kuravilangad. From 1987 to 1988 he was appointed Vocation Promoter and formator in belgaum minor seminary right. From 1988 to 1989 he was assigned as assistant to the Parish Priest of St. Mary’s, Champakulam, Kerala.

From 1989-1994 he studied for a Licentiate in Systematic Theology and a Licentiate in Psychology at the Gregorian University in Rome.

In 1994-96 he was appointed Director of the Claret Nivas Retreat House in Bangalore and assistant to the Master of Novices. From 1996-2003 he served as Novice Master of the Bangalore Province.

At the XXIII General Chapter, held in Rome in 2003, he was elected General Consultor and Prefect of Formation and re-elected to the same office in 2009.

In the XXV General Chapter he was elected 13th Superior General, a position he has now been ratified for six more years.

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