Words of Africa

Jul 10, 2010 | JPIC, Mission Procure, Solidarity & Mission

Spain. Africa is giving us one more reason to talk about it. Not only because it is hosting 2010 FIFA World Cup but also for the wisdom of it’s ancestors.

The organizations PROCLADE (Promocion Claretiana para el Desarrollo) of Spain, in collaboration with PROYDE within the spanish network REDES, have launched a project entitle: “Words of Africa“.

This program is an attempt to make the reality of the spnaish society closer to the peoples in this continent by compiling together stories and histories.

The proposal is inspired by the on-going campaign “Africa Cuestion de Viva, Cuestion Debida” that literally translates as “Africa A Question of Life, A Question Owed.” More information about this proposal and about many other solidairty projects coordinated or pormoted by PROCLADE can be found on their webpage: www.fundacionproclade.org

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