MICLA-ReBiClar. The group “Women: Prophetic Voices” is a biblical reflection team made up of six women (Yolanda Cortés, from Biblical Pastoral Ministry of the United States and Canada, IBLICA – Chicago, USA; Martha Rodríguez, from Fresno, USA; Giselle Zamora Arroyo, coordinator of Centro Bíblico Claretiano PQTV [Claretian Biblical Center That They May Have Life] – San José, Costa Rica; María del Carmen Moctezuma, of the biblical pastoral ministry in Mexico; Carmen Gloria Meza and Luz Barahona, from the Pastoral Ministry of San José del Sur, Chile) who organize and share a space for an average audience of fifty women from Latin America and the USA, in the context of pastoral-biblical formation of the conference of Claretian Missionaries of America (MICLA).

This group was born on March 9, 2021, after several months of work. The objective of the group is to share life experiences with a woman’s perspective based on rereading biblical texts that allow us to strengthen, empower, accompany, respect, and revalue ourselves. During the topics shared to date, we have also discovered our vocation as co-creators, made in the image and likeness of God, to meet, listen to our voices and recognize ourselves as partners in the Jesus movement.

“Women: Prophetic Voices” is a group with members from different parts of the Americas, which implies knowing and sharing different customs and cultures. In addition, these meetings help us to recognize ourselves in equality with all genders, giving importance to every human being, without power struggles, in a climate of trust, respect, dialogue and creating awareness about the importance of sisterhood.

Thanks to the welcome that was generated by all the women who participated, it was possible to experience a sense of accompaniment and freedom of expression, without fear of being criticized. As a result, a second season is already being planned, which will last fourteen sessions.


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