“As young volunteer missionaries, we have chosen to be with the poorest, those who live in the seven communities of the hills, to be with them and to live like them.”

47 2The Claretian Volunteer Program of Antillas was born after the tragic 2010 earthquake in Haiti. In this program we have engaged young people from Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Honduras, Argentina, and Chile.

The mission is at the Dominican-Haitian border with a sizable percentage of immigrants who live in conditions of extreme poverty, without sources of income and work as sharecroppers in the agriculture of the “konucos“.

Our missionary priorities and lines of action are focused on the option for the poor, attend to their human promotion; to foster dialogue between faith and culture, build bridges between the Gospel and our world that seeks answers and above all, a sense of life; respond to the challenge of education; create and animate ecclesial communities; and the formation of evangelizers.

Sebastián Vergara, Jafet Murguía, Luisina Crespo, Yoselin Cárcamo (Haití)

View the entire PDF version of the Claretian Mission 2018

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