VII Provincial Assembly of Betica

Jan 14, 2013 | Bética

Sevilla, Spain. The Province of Betica celebrated its VII Assembly at the “Betania” spirituality house in San Juan de Aznalfarache (Seville). It took place in two rounds in which 53 and 55 Claretians attended on December 26-28, 2012 and January 2-4, 2013.

The objectives which the Provincial Government had brought to the Assembly, in accordance with what is established in our law were carried-out in a relaxed, friendly, and fraternal setting.

The province prayed, celebrated, and lived the Claretian and Cordimarian spirit which identifies and characterizes the charism of the Congregation.

The pulse and analysis of the state of the province was taken.

Following, steps were taken in the process of the revision of positions which have been carried-out uninterruptedly since the 1970’s.

Everyone attending was informed and sensitized on the restructuring of the provinces which will be carried-out in Europe.

And yet time was taken for the family photo, to listen to the recital of the Christian singer-songwriter Pedro Sosa, to receive a warm gift of Kings, and celebrate a final Eucharist in the Parish of San Antonio Mª Claret, next to the tomb that has been prepared to receive the remains of the 16 martyrs of Sigüenza and Fernán Caballero.

In the solemn entrance procession the hymn “Testigos de la Fe” resounded for the first time. It was composed by Dr. Emilio Vicente Mateu on the occasion of the upcoming martirial beatification on the 27th of October which will close the Year of Faith 2013.

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