Updates on the Madagascar Mission

Jun 4, 2022 | Claretian Family, Uncategorized

Farafangana, Madagascar. The Claretian Missionaries and Claretian Sisters were welcomed at the airport by Bishop Gaetano del Pierro. After their arrival on May 18, they spent several days in the capital Antananarivo to complete the first part of the residency documentation.

After 2 days of travel in two cars, they arrived in Farafangana, the seat of the diocese. The bishop accompanied them with affection and a fatherly touch. They were accommodated inside the catechists’ formation center. The bishop intended that in the first months they could be in the center of the diocese for the first contact with the reality and study of the language. The house has independent individual spaces, and a common place where the four pray, share meals, exchange first impressions of the reality that surrounds them and see the steps to follow.

Recently, they have already visited twice the Ankarana parish, the center of the future mission. They said that the people were very cordial and welcoming. They said that the first task will be to get in touch with the people, even though they still have a language barrier. Furthermore, they will start Malagashi classes on June 6.

Currently, they were meeting other religious women and men who have been on the mission for many years. They say that the landscape is beautiful and above all, they appreciate the cordiality of the people who welcome them. They are all surprised by the high prices and costs of living.

Cf 20220603 First Days In Madagscar 1

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