Update on Asia Encounter 2018

Dec 17, 2018 | ASCLA East, ASCLA West, General Government

Medan, Indonesia. The Encounter of the Major Organisms of Asia and the General Government is in progress reflecting the three process of transformation Going Forth, Witnesses and Messengers, Adoring God in Spirit in the Asian context. The two-day workshop on Appreciative Enquiry was animated by Fr.Gonzalo Fernandez Sanz, CMF. The presentation and discussions on the First Process of Transformation Missionaries going forth were guided by Frs. Artur Teixeira, Henry Omonisae and Br. Carlos Verga, CMFF. On the 15th & 16th December, the participants visited the Claretian mission communities of Sianter, Onanrunggu, Tomok, Mandala in Sumatra Island of Indonesia. On the 8th day, 17th December, the sessions were focused on the the Second Process. They were guided by Superior General, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, and Frs. Manuel Tamargo and Joseba Kamiruaga Mieza, CMFF. In the next two days the Encounter will reflect on the Third Process of Transformation and will conclude with the final statement on Wednesday, 19th December 2018.


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