UN finalizes the Global Compact on Migration

Jul 17, 2018 | UN Presence

New York, USA. The text of the ‘Global Compact for the Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration,’ was finalized at the United Nations Headquarters at New York on July 13. The six rounds of tough Intergovernmental negotiations that took place at the UN since January 2018 concluded with the adaption of the text by the Member States. This is the first time that the Member States collectively negotiated an agreement covering all aspects on international migration in a comprehensive way. Many civil society representatives, including Fr. Rohan Dominic, Claretian representative at the UN (Fondazione Proclade Internazionale – Onlus) actively engaged in the process.

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Fr. Rohan Dominic, Cmf, Claretian Representative To The Un Attending The Global Compact On Migration

The Permanent Representative of Mexico, H.E. Mr. Juan José Ignacio Gómez Camacho, who is one of the co-facilitator of the Compact said, “Migration was the only global issue that remained off the agenda at the UN. The Global Compact not only makes a practical difference in the lives of millions of migrants globally but recognizes that no country can address it alone. The reason why this process was successful is because we negotiated based on evidence and facts, not perceptions and prejudices.”

The agreement will be formally adopted by Member States at the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco, on 10 and 11 December 2018.

Calling it a “historic moment,” the President of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, said the Global Compact’s potential was huge. He added, “It can guide us from a reactive to a proactive mode. It can help us to draw out the benefits of migration and mitigate the risks. He expressed his thanks to all who involved in the process and noted, “under no circumstances can we see our work as over… 2098 migrant deaths have been recorded since we began negotiations. Children made up about 400 of them. Many, not reported, have been lost in the desert or on other dangerous journeys. Others – including countless women and girls – have fallen victim to human trafficking. And, as we speak, thousands of migrant workers worry about their health, their security and the welfare of their families.”

Migration is a global phenomenon. Current estimates are that there are 244 million international migrants globally (or 3.3% of the world’s population). Migration is one of the focus areas of Claretian presence in the UN. Many of our provinces are involved in the ministry with the immigrants. This Global Compact for the Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration will be a guiding document not only for the Governments and International agencies but also for the civil society organizations, religious congregations and faith based organizations which are serving the migrants in countries of origin, transit and destination.

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