Two New Formation Houses in Africa

Dec 1, 2019 | Cameroun, Formation, Novitiate, Padre Xifre, Postulancy

Bata, Equatorial Guinea. The first new Formation House is the new Novitiate House of Padre Xifré Independent Delegation located in Bata, Equatorial Guinea. The formation will be given in Spanish language. The decision to erect this house dates back to 2017 at the meeting of the General Government with the Governments of the Major Organisms in African held in Nairobi, Kenya. At present, this new Novitiate houses four Congolese and one Equatorial Guinean, a total of 5. Three formators accompany them.

One of the advantages of this new formation house is that of the language. The Novices will have the opportunity to learn the charism and spirituality of the Congregation through several documents of the Founder and the Congregation that have not yet been translated into other languages.

The second Formation House is the new Pre-postulancy (Propaedeutic), named after Fr. Joseph Xifre, of Cameroun Independent Delegation. General Prefect of Formation, Fr. Joseph Mbungu Mutu, CMF blessed and inaugurated the said center on 21 November 2019. It is located under the parish of Pekwa (Diocese of Bafoussan) in western Cameroon.

This new structure fills a gap that existed in this Delegation. Indeed, young people who lived in parishes did not often benefit from a good preparation for the Postulancy. The formation, under the care of one formator with the help and presence of other Claretians from the parish, has the advantage of giving a solid formation to young people before starting their philosophical studies.


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