Training and Workshop for Provincial and Delegation Secretaries of all Organisms of Asia

Aug 20, 2019 | ASCLA East, ASCLA West, Ave Maria, Bangalore, Chennai, East Asia, Fr. Rhoel Gallardo, General Secretariat, Kolkata, Korea, Northeast India, St. Joseph Vaz, St. Thomas

Ragama, Sri Lanka. All Provincial and Delegation Secretaries of the ten Organisms of Asia underwent a training seminar-workshop given by two members of the General Secretariat (Bro. Mario Kevin Armijo, CMF and Fr. Louie Guades III, CMF) on August 12 to 18, 2019 at the newly constructed Delegation Curia of Sri Lanka Delegation in Ragama.

The secretaries were oriented, reoriented of their duties and responsibilities to their respective Organisms and to the General Secretariat according to the Secretary Manual of the Congregation. They were given the proper procedures in sending notifications to the General Secretariat. And they were given small courses on useful desktop programs and in the use of social media.

The bulk of the work of the ten-day program, was the completion of the SECLAR, the database of the members of the whole Congregation. To date, we can say that the statistics of Asia is now 100% accurate and the data of the members of ASCLA East and ASCLA West are 96% accurate. Day and night the secretaries worked so hard to complete the missing data of our brothers, update the Local Communities, and check if the data of their respective Organisms are correct. Even though the meeting is over, they are still expected to continue working on the SECLAR until we reach the 100% accurate data of the Claretians of Asia before December.

In order to meet the demands of the program, only on Sunday afternoon, August 18 and onward, that the secretaries could go visit tourist spots and Claretian communities in Sri Lanka.

During the entire duration, the secretaries shared each other’s challenges and realities in their respective Organisms, prayed together, learned skills together, shared meals, and lived as a community. All of them were made to realize how serious their mission is – a mission that is hidden, noiseless, not in the limelight compared to the traditional apostolates that 99% of the Claretian missionaries carry on each day. The work of the Secretary of the Organism who is over-all in charge of communications “in and out” of the Organism is an apostolic service, an on-going formation, a way to promote vocations and a missionary work equal to parish, education, social ministries.

The General Secretariat expresses its gratitude to the Province of Deutschland and Sri Lanka Dependent Delegation for the accommodations, the facilities provided, the healthy food, arranged trips, and the warm hospitality. Words of thanks too to the Major Superiors of the ten Organisms for allowing their secretaries to be free of any other work for ten days and be present in Sri Lanka. Last but not the least, words of gratitude also to the secretaries of the said Organisms who participated, gave their time and effort, and for listening: Fr. Joshi Chirayilparampil, CMF on behalf of Fr. Shinji Takenobu, CMF (East Asia), Fr. Yoseph Ferdinandus Melo, CMF (Indonesia-Timor Leste), Fr. Michael Park (Korea), Fr. Efren Limpo, CMF (Philippines), Fr. Xavier Pereira, CMF (Bangalore), Fr. Maria Joseph, CMF (Chennai), Fr. Telesphore Aind, CMF (Kolkata), Fr. Jaison Perumpalliolickal, CMF (Northeast India), Fr. Royestan Jeyaraj Peiris Pulle, CMF (Sri Lanka), Fr. Thomas Paingottu, CMF (St. Thomas).

Next scheduled training and upgrading will be for the secretaries of MICLA and ACLA.


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