Negombo, Sri Lanka. For two days, the Congregation in Sri Lanka witnessed the start of a serious commitment of individuals to a personal, congregational and God’s Dream. On the one hand, is the entrance to the novitiate of six postulants on September 7, 2022. And on the other hand, the First Profession of five novices and the Final Commitment of two students on September 8, 2022.
On the 7th of September 2022, six postulants namely Antony Anojan, Fleming Swiger & Varun Pragash (St. Joseph Vaz Independent Delegation), Do Il Park (Korea Independent Delegation), Suinyuy Boris and Onana Theophile (Cameroun Independent Delegation) have gladly come forward to express their willingness and commitment to begin their novitiate formation in the Congregation at Casa St. Claret Novitiate, Kurunegala. Indeed, this is a matter of joy to the respective Major Organisms and glad tidings to the Congregation.

Delegated by the Major Superior, Fr. A. Everest Dias, CMF, Delegation Consultor, presided over the initiation rite. The postulants expressed their desire and asked the presider for admission to the novitiate, and he accepted them into the Novitiate.
In his exhortation he advised the novices to review their life daily, to listen to Jesus, be grateful to Jesus and practice community living. It was a simple but very meaningful celebration within the community. Fr. S. Maria Arul, CMF, is their Novice Master.
This is the first batch of novices with the presence of candidates from the ACLA Conference. The Novitiate House already previously housed and formed novices from ASCLA East and MICLA.
Meanwhile, in Negombo, on Thursday, 8th of September 2022, Solemnity of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, two students namely, Kitnan Rubeshan, CMF, and Alveenas Ithayaraj, CMF, made their perpetual profession and five students, namely Kiristhunathan Kiresiayan, Justin Selvaraj Davin, Mariyathas Ajeethkumar, Sahayam Livintan Kanjush and Sathiyaseelan Antony Jeyaraj made their First Profession. Delegated by the Major Superior, Fr. S. Maria Arul, CMF, the Delegation Vicar and Prefect of Formation, presided over the solemn Eucharistic celebration and received all their vows at St. Claret Seminary Kattuwa, Negombo.

During the same celebration, nine students renewed their temporary vows for another year. It is also the day of celebration of the anniversaries of the First and Final Vows of most of the Claretians in Sri Lanka.
During the Mass, Fr. Satheeesh, CMF, began his homily with the saying:
‘God does not call the qualified but qualifies the call.’
He appreciated the young Claretians for their commitment and openness to respond to the call of God and their availability for the mission. He also invited the participants to reflect on the difficulties which all of us are undergoing in Sri Lanka these days.
Claretians from different communities, religious sisters, seminarians, well-wishers, and relatives attended the celebration.