THE SAMAL BAJAUS: The mission of the Claretians

Apr 4, 2018 | ASCLA East, Fr. Rhoel Gallardo, Indigenous peoples, Mission Alive

Maluso, Philippines. Claret Samal Foundation, Inc. (CSFI), a foundation founded by the Claretian Missionaries who caters the Samal Bajau, an indigenous tribe which are considered citizens of the lowest class: ignorant, dirty, stench-smelling and deprived, thus the poorest tribe in the Philippines was blessed by Fr. Henry Omonisaye’s visit. The Bajaus and the staff felt so thankful of his presence and stories. He rekindled the spirit of service and love for the work out of the hearts of every staff and the Bajaus he was able to mingle with. His words were an inspiration, and his presence added fire of encouragement and sparked brighter realization of how beautiful our mission is.

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As our thanksgiving, we offered Duwa’ah- Bajaus’ practice of expressing gratitude for all the blessings God showered upon the community. Bajau elders chanted prayers of hope in looking forward that all projects envision by the program will be realized especially the building of Claret School for the Samal Bajaus, a yellow school of hope in Teheman area catering Pre-schoolers, Kindergarten and Grade 1 pupils.

The construction of the school building is essential because of the growing numbers of children who cannot go to school because their parents cannot bring them due to the distance of which children cannot go all by themselves and livelihood constraints. CSFI is now bringing the school nearer to them, so that all Bajau children can go to school even though the parents are not around to look after them since it is in the vicinity of their homes – near to learn, near to reach out for brighter future.

The people behind CSFI long for shaping the future of Bajau Brethren. As we do, we need to have inspiration to inspire the Bajaus. We need to be encouraged to encourage the Bajaus. We need to feel the Love to be able to extend the love to our Bajaus. We need to be enlightened to be able to be the light as well to the Bajaus. Thank you Claretian Missionaries, Yellow Boat foundation and other individual sponsors and benefactors for walking with us, for being with us. You are our hope as we together dream for brighter future for our brethren, Bajau. MAGSUKOL!

Ma. Wendy A. Parohinog

(Exec. Assistant of CSFI)

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