The Role of Religious Life in the life of the Family, Youth and Social Economy: The 10th Religious Life Week in Kupang

Jan 16, 2020 | Indonesia - Timor Leste, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Kupang, Indonesia. The Claretian Missionaries of Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation is celebrating its 10th Religious Life Week from January 16-18, 2020 at the newly inaugurated Claret Open Hall at Seminari Hati Maria in Kupang. It has been a long journey of service and contribution of the Congregation, particularly of Indonesia – Timor Leste Delegation, to the consecrated men and women in Indonesia especially in Kupang. At this point, there is a reason to be thankful for the ten-year service to the Local Church, for the ten years of journeying and being concerned with the growth and renewal process of the consecrated people.

The theme of this 1oth Religious Life Week is, “The Role of Religious Life in the life of the Family, Youth and Social Economy.” Using the “triple R” approach (Reality, Reflection and Response), the consecrated men and women are challenged to find new possibilities and creative ways in living out their very charismatic gifts while at the same time empowering and giving hope to the people whom they serve. Thus, in the very first session of the day the Archbishop of Kupang, Msgr. Petrus Turang, invited all the consecrated men and women to immerse themselves into the reality of their missionary fields while being able to read and discern the signs of the times both locally and globally, of which, in the course of the seminar, other keynote speakers will further elaborate and expose.

At least two hundred consecrated men and women are participating in this Religious Life Week. Fr. Yohanes Darisalib Jeramu, CMF, President of the said seminar Committee, in his discourse, appreciated the presence of the participants and their profound eagerness to join in this collective learning to be fitting witnesses and messengers of the joy of the Gospel in their respective places while hoping to learn more from the rest of the program. The first day culminated with the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Jeramu himself.


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