Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This year’s ReBiClar Encounter held at the San Francisco de Sales Conference House in Rio de Janeiro ended on the 26th of May, 2018. The week began by presenting an in-depth analysis of the social-political reality of Brazil, in many aspects very similar to other countries of Latin America. This was followed by the theme of “Bible and the Political Dimension of Christianity“, recalling the biblical text “It shall not be so among you” (Mt 20,26). An additional theme shared was “Globalization, Politics in the Bible and New Paradigms“.
Then each Organism had the opportunity to present its achievements, shortcomings, and challenges in these past couple of years in the biblical ministerial practice of Latin America. The Claretian Biblical Institute of the Americas (IBICLA-USA) offered them the opportunity to participate in a study program of four summers, two intensive weeks per year, where one can acquire tools for a contextualized biblical ministry.
Moreover, Fr. Henry Omonisaye CMF, General Consultor and Animator of the Biblical Ministry of the Congregation, shared with them the biblical experience of the Congregation. After analyzing the statutes of ReBiClar, the encounter held elections for a new leadership team. The encounter closed with a Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Henry.