The Qualified Service of the Congregation in the Academic Environment

Oct 7, 2011 | Claretian Family, Congregation, General Government, Josep Abella Batlle

Roma. From September 28th to October 1st an encounter of the Directors of the Centers of Superior Studies, which are run by the Congregation, was conducted in Rome.
In addition to Fr. General, participating were Fathers: Gonzalo Fernández, General Prefect of Spirituality; Miguel Ángel Velasco, General Prefect of the Apostolate; …

… José-Félix Valderrábano, General Secretary and Superior Delegate of the Claretianum and the Juridicum Institute; Konrad Pucher, Director of the Centro de Estudios Filosóficos y Teológicos of Córdoba (Argentina); Luis C. Botteon, Director of the Centro Universitario Claretiano de Batatais (Brasil); Sammy Canilang, Director of the Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia, of Manila (Filipinas); Xavier Manavath, Director of the Institute of Consecrated Life, Sanyasa, of Bangalore (India); Josu Alday, Director of the Claretianum (Roma); Elias Ayuban, representing the Juridicum Institute (Rome); Jaume Sánchez Bosch, Director of the Studium Theologicum de Curitiba (Brasil) and José Cristo Rey García Paredes, Subdirector of the Instituto Teológico de Vida Religiosa, of Madrid.

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…The service of authority at all levels is exercised in a synodal way: it promotes co-responsibility, fosters teamwork, respects and harmonizes differences (QC, 57b) 1. Dear brothers in our Querida Congregación and in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary....

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