The General Econome Completes a Visit of Animation to Padre Xifré Delegation

Nov 26, 2024 | ACLA, Padre Xifre

Equatorial Guinea. From November 11 to 24, the General Econome of the Congregation, Fr Manuel A. Tamargo, CMF conducted a animation visit to the Padre Xifré Delegation, covering the territories of Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. His journey included visits to almost all communities, with the exception of Kogo and Annobón due to logistical constraints.

Arriving from Rome, Fr. Tamargo landed in Libreville, Gabon, on November 11, where he was welcomed. That same day, he began his work at the Notre Dame des Victoires community. His itinerary included Franceville and his visits to the Mingara, Akieni, and Okondja communities before returning to Libreville on November 14 to visit the Essasa community.

On November 15, he departed for Bata, Equatorial Guinea. Hosted by local confreres, he proceeded to the novitiate community and then traveled to Niefang, visiting communities in Niefang, Nkue, Nzang-Ayong, Casa Claret, and the Noviciate Padre Xifré. On November 19, he flew to Malabo and continued his visit in the Luba community, concluding at the Santuario Claret on November 21.

During the visits, Fr. Tamargo reviewed the delegation’s patrimony, focusing on the inspection of properties. On November 23, he met with the Delegation’s Government to share his observations and offer guidance. He highlighted progress made and areas needing attention, emphasizing proper management, consolidation, and the importance of pastoral services in schools and boarding houses.

The Delegation expressed gratitude for Fr. Tamargo’s visit, valuing his insights and encouragement to improve financial sustainability, strengthen resource management, and continue serving the Congregation and the Church effectively.

2024 11 26 Visit of Animation of Tamargo 16

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