The Claretianum celebrates the Day of Consecrated Life

Feb 5, 2010 | Claret Publishing Group, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Roma. (3-II-2010). At the proposal of the Claretian Publications, the Claretianum (Institute of Consecrated Life of Rome) has celebrated, for the sixth consecutive year, the encounter of Spanish speaking religious men and women to present a highly interesting book newly edited by the said publishing house in Madrid.

The proximity with the Day of Consecrated Life is an excellent occasion for a well rooted act which attracts a growing interest in the target group, as we have been able to see confirm by the numerous attendance and participation, as well as by the rapid acquisition of all the available exemplars.

The title we presented in this occasion is highly topical and interesting: “Exégesis viviente de la Palabra de Dios, Nuevo Testamento y Vida Consagrada” (Living exegesis of the Word of God, New Testament and Consecrated Life) by professor Severiano Blanco Pacheco, CMF.

From the presidency the following participated: Frs. Severiano Blanco, CMF (author of the book), Eduardo Huerta, CMF (Professor of Sacred Scripture in the Claretianum), Fernando Prado, CMF (Editor, Claretian Publications) and Jesús María Alday, CMF (Director of Claretianum). The Director of Claretian Publications recalled the existence of the blog destined to the religious, which offers renewed information and materials for the consecrated. (

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