Rome. Second day of Assembly. We started by putting in the hands of Our Lady this new day.
After the approval of the minutes read by the secretary, Fr. Franco Incampo, Fr. Vicente Sanz, President, appointed Fr. Giuseppe Butti as moderator.
Immediately, the observations of the two groups on the reports of the Government were presented and discussed.
Fr. Maurizio Bevilacqua presented the working paper, to be study by groups.
After studying the working paper, at 17,30h we went to the plenary session and made the survey for the new government.
In the Eucharistic celebration we made memory of the brothers who left us last year: Frs. Mario Ventresca, Giuseppe Matteocci, Lorenzo Ronci and Mons. Alfredo M. Oburu.
During the meal we celebrated the birthday of Fr. Vittorio.