Rome. Dear Brothers: with the Morning Prayer the Assembly of the Delegation of Italy was officially opened, under the presidency of Fr. Vicente Sanz, General Prefect of Apostolate.
It began with the enthronement of the Word and the reading of the text of 1Cor 12, 1-11. The Biblicist Don Romano Penna presented some useful aspects for reflection on our religious and community life. A time of personal prayer and reflection followed, concluding with the celebration of the Eucharist that was presided over by Fr. Vicente Sanz. He invited us to give thanks and to look with hope to this moment of the Assembly.
First thing in the afternoon, we accomplished some juridical acts and Fr. Franco Incampo was elected secretary. The work continued with the reading of the reports of the Government, presented by the Major Superior, Fr. Angelo Cupini and the Econome of the Delegation, Fr. Maurizio Bevilacqua. We were given some time for the personal reading of the texts and we passed to the study of the same by groups.
The day ended with the prayer of Vespers and supper.