The Congregation of the Claretian Missionaries recognizes the value and importance of women in society and the Church, and remains committed to promoting their full participation in social and religious life.
We acknowledge
The Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretian Missionaries) comprises about three thousand men who live in communities in seventy countries throughout the five continents. It is a Congregation of men increasingly convinced that they would not be what they are without the valuable contribution of many women, who have intervened decisively in their journey as men and as Christians.
They also believe, sharing the values of the Gospel and the Doctrine of the Catholic Church, that it is just that every woman (of whatever nation, age, social origin, and religion) should have her rights recognized.
They also believe every woman deserves infinite respect since she is an image of God.
They believe that the defense of these rights is everyone’s business, including that of all Claretians, and by no means something that only women should defend or claim.
In its last General Chapter of 2021, one of the most solemn expressions of its discernment is its recognition of the contribution of women to the life and progress of the world, as well as their protagonism in society and the Church. This is reflected in the Chapter Exhortation Querida Congregación #80.
We journey together
In addition to the many events and opportunities to remember and advocate that take place in the communities and apostolic positions on March 8, as in previous years, the General Secretariat for Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) distributed to all the Claretian Major Organisms a material for reflection and prayer prepared by the Claretian Family for this day.
The General Prefecture of the Apostolate has also sent to those responsible for pastoral animation in the various areas of the Congregation a guide that ‘Justice Coalition of Religious’ (JCoR) prepared for the sessions of the 67th session United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 67) this March in New York. The Prefecture invites the members of the Congregation to participate in online sessions, debates, spaces for suggestions and participation, prayer, and reflection meetings.

The Claretian Missionaries, through Fondazione Proclade Internazionale, have signed two declarations this year. One on its own, and the second declaration with the JCoR Coalition that brings together about two hundred religious congregations. This second campaign is particularly concerned with women’s rights in rural and marginalized areas. It calls on states to ensure respect for women and eliminate all forms of discrimination in access to better education and new technologies. The statement also asks that extreme care be taken to prevent technological advances from being used to abuse or harm vulnerable people and to foster a culture of coexistence and respect. It can be read in full in Spanish and in English.
The Congregation remains committed in its day-to-day work in promoting and fighting against the injustices suffered by women. On this day, it gratefully remembers the work it does throughout the world, and looks to the future knowing that there is still a long way to go.
Source : General Prefecture of Apostolate