Claretians from all over the world wrote the stories behind the 30 words of this little Claretian dictionary. Behind every word are beautiful mission narratives. Most of them are related to the passion for God and passion for the most vulnerable human beings.
Read the Introduction by Fr. Gonzalo Fernández, CMF, General Prefect of Spirituality
son of the Heart of Mary
heart of Mary
burning in charity
desires mightily
fire of divine love
delights in privations
welcomes work
embraces sacrifices
smiles at slanders
glories in the Cross of Jesus Christ
follow and imitate Jesus Christ
strive constantly and solely for the greater glory of God
strive constantly and solely for the salvation of humankind
anointed by the Holy Spirit
sent by the Holy Spirit
missionaries of the Kingdom of God
missionaries of the Kingdom of God
Ministry Among Migrants and Refugees It was a blessing from God to experience and to know the realities and the concrete situation of migrants and...
sent to evangelize and listen to the cry of the poor
The reality of Angola forces us to take a diversified apostolate. We welcome the poor and assist them spiritually and materially. We welcome, we...
missionaries with the spirit
missionaries in community
with the whole Church and with those who seek the transformation of the world
Peace is Possible if We Build it Together Peacebuilding is an interesting area for collaboration and for the transformation of the world! Building...
open to the whole world in prophetic dialogue
Impelled by Dialogue that is Truly Prophetic For seven years now as Secretary of my Delegation, I have witnessed what I can indeed describe as being...
with the whole Church and with those who seek the transformation of the world
Today, much emphasis is placed on the role of the Church as a transformation and change agent and rightly so. This is one of the key roles of the...