Dare, East Timor. Today, the Organizing Committee of the ASIAN CLARETIAN (ASCLA) EAST YOUTH GATHERING 2019 in CLARETIAN FAMILY or commonly known as AEYG 2019 + CF released the official LOGO and the final program of the event. Here is the meaning of the Logo:

The Cross: Symbolizes Jesus Christ the master of Solidarity. The Solidarity of the Crucified Christ impels us. To be in solidarity is to share our life as Jesus has done on the Cross for our sake. To be in solidarity is to suffer for our brothers and sisters.

13 People arm in arm in circle: The Young people from different culture and race are called together to be in solidarity (doing solidarity). This is the calling of the young people today to be sent, sold, and shared to follow Jesus Christ.

The 13 people symbolize the 13 countries invited for the AEYG 2019+CF. The Claretian Youth from different countries in Asia are called to be in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, who are affected by the realities of life as a real way joy of living the Gospel in Asia.

It symbolizes the 13 Municipalities in Timor Leste. The AEYG 2019+CF is an event to inspire and encourage the young people of Timor Leste -who are called from different regions and cultures- to be the agent of solidarity for the growing of this young and tiny Catholic Country.

The 13 people symbolizes the community of Jesus and 12 Apostles as the main model of unity for Solidarity.

Mat (biti): is a main traditional and cultural symbol for unity in Timor Leste. Calling to sit together on a big mat (nahe biti) is a gradual call for renewing the unity, peace and harmony. This is a meaningful symbol of being in solidarity, that it is not only a matter of sharing of goods or doing charity but a spiritual, charismatic and mission movement for a new society, new people of God.

AEYG 2019 + CF will be held on August 5 – 11, 2019 in Dare, Timor Leste. Hundreds of participants from the different Organisms in the East and Southeast Asia are expected to participate. And according to the Committee, the National Government of East Timor is in full support to the event and made special arrangements and surprises for all the participants.

FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/aeygcf/


Document: AEYG 2019 + CF

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