Tenth Youth Camp «San Joaquin’s Martyrs»

May 4, 2021 | Andrés Solá, Centroamérica, Claretian Family, México, MICLA, USA - Canada, Youth & Vocations Ministry

Mexico City, Mexico. In a mixed modality (face-to-face and virtual) the Claretian Youth of Mexico (JUCLAMX) held in Claretian Family its tenth camp in memory of the Martyrs of San Joaquin. The camp included bonfires, songs, dynamics, prayer and reflections on being and doing from the Claretian charism.

During the weekend of April 24 and 25, the Claretian Youth gathered in person in the states of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico City, and Torreón to unite virtually with representatives from different latitudes such as León, Toluca, Guadalajara, Canada and Central America.

Enrique Mascorro CMF, Major Superior of the Province of Mexico, expressed his desire that this meeting will strengthen the union and help to consolidate the sense of communion. He also thanked the generous response and encouraged them to give their best for this journey.

Prayerful moments

The inaugural mass was celebrated from the Cordimarian community of Colegio Benjamin Franklin, in Mexico City; it was concelebrated by Fr. Jorge Vargas CMF, coordinator of the camps, Fr. Marcos Garnica CMF, Provincial Prefect of Formation, and Deacon Edgar Salgado Tapia CMF. In his homily, Fr. Marcos called the participating Claretian youth to respond to the invitation of Jesus to “be food of life for others; and in this time of pandemic that has brought so much exhaustion and weariness, to turn our gaze to the Word of God, to Jesus, who revitalizes our hope and gives encouragement to continue moving forward”. Referring to the ninety-four years of the testimony of the Martyrs of San Joaquin, he added:

“We can recognize in them an example to follow and believe that only the word of Jesus has what we need and only it can give answers to our most sincere aspirations. To say to Jesus with hope <only you have the words of eternal life>, and to be in our context bread of life for others… through the daily gestures of life and with this consolidate our community of Claretian youth”.

In the moments of prayer, both the Claretian novices -with the morning prayer from Guatemala- and Fr. Julio Arváez CMF -in the encounter with the Risen Jesus, from Panama- invited us to recognize ourselves as disciples acting in this reality, from the movement of the Spirit of Jesus in our hearts, with the Heart of Mary as companion and strength in our life testimonies.

Formation and recreation

The two days of this “hybrid” camp were animated by the Claretian Youth of each participating state with dances, challenges, trivia, rallies, songs and sharing around the campfire, always keeping the proper biosecurity norms.

On this occasion two topics were addressed; the first one on “the Claretian Youth of the world”, which was in charge of the coordinating team of the “Claret Way” project in Latin America. Father Jorge Cóceres CMF, from Chile, and Sister Alejandra Gómez MCM, in Mexico, shared in a pleasant and clear way the journey of the continent in this project, the challenge and commitment that the Claretian Family has with those who will conform this charismatic missionary path of the vocational youth ministry.

The second topic was about “martyrdom and testimony as Claretian Youth” in the Church and in their communities, guided by Rosario Ruiz, FC and Dania Velázquez, MCM. From the dialogue carried out in the virtual rooms emerged commitments such as: to improve my will; to work in the spirit of service; to be more charitable and help others; to do good, to live and practice charity; to live the mission and being witness; to evangelize and encourage youth; to invite other young people to live active experiences; to improve the communication networks of JUCLAMX.

During the closing Eucharist, presided by Fr. Jorge Vargas CMF, the journey of the Claretian Youth in Mexico was shared, how it is consolidating and how it continues to take steps in formation, so that more and more young people know, love, serve and praise God with joy and commitment.

Dania Alejandra Velázquez Cano MCM


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