Rome. The Pontifical Ateneo Sant’ Anselmo, a Liturgical Pontifical Institute, has organized a symposium on 28 May in honour of Professor Matías Augé, cmf, for his 40 years of teaching service in the said Pontifical Institute.
It has been presented by the Director, Dom Juan Javier Flores Arcas. Father Corrado Maggioni, S.M.M. and Monsignor Crispino Valenziano have also taken part. The former has spoken on the Most Holy Virgin Mary in the liturgy and has made reference to the vast work that Fr. Augé has produced in this field; the latter has commented on three anecdotes that have united him to Fr. Augé throughout these years, which showed the liturgical and human quality of the person being honoured.
In a musical intermission the students Sister Verónica Yong (violin) and Christiam Aldama (piano) have interpreted a sonata of Robert Schummann.
Lastly, Fr. Matías Augé has presented the Lectio magistralis on the theme “Is the liturgical year a theological entity?”
In an assembly hall packed in its two planes, great figures of the liturgy, professors and alumni were present. On the part of the Congregation there was a numerous representation of the General Curia and of all the communities of Rome.
The president of the Pontifical Institute has read the messages come from different places and personalities. Mons. Maurizio Barba has read the letter sent from the Congregation for the Divine Cult and the Discipline of the Sacraments, signed by the Prefect, Card. Francis Arinze. The act ended with a cocktail.
A Space to Share and Learn: Intercultural Workshop 2024
Online Workshop. The second edition of the 2024 Intercultural Workshop, held from September 23 to November 24 this year, brought together 163 participants from various branches of the Claretian Family, exceeding expectations in participation and overall evaluation....