Jun 1, 2019 | ASCLA West, St. Thomas

The General Assembly of the St. Thomas Province of Claretian Missionaries was held on Wednesday, 29th May evening and Thursday 30th May evening. The presentation and discussions of the Province report and economic reports, group discussions on the implementation of the IV provincial Chapter, open forum for interactions were the main agenda of the Assembly there were 90 participants and the Assembly was a moment to share the fraternal brotherhood, to evaluate and plan the life and mission of the Province.

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New Government for Kolkata Delegation

New Government for Kolkata Delegation

The Third Assembly of the Kolkata Independent Delegation began on February 18, 2025, at the Holy Cross Retreat Center in Modolai, Pandua, India, centered around the theme "Mystics Enflamed in Mission." Rev. Br. Carlos Verga, CMF, General Prefect of Youth Ministry and...

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Clotet Year - Año Clotet
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