Claretian Spirituality Congress


Sunday 7: Beginning of the Spirituality Congress

20:00   Vespers. P. Baskar Almaraj, CMF. (Temple)

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)


ESPAÑA + 06:00:00 – 08:00:00 – 07:00:00 – 01:00:00
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20:30:00 02:30:00 12:30:00 13:30:00 19:30:00
21:30:00 03:30:00 13:30:00 14:30:00 20:30:00

Monday 8: Welcome and integration 

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

9:00    Opening Eucharist.  Presided by Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, Superior General (Temple)

10:00   Inaugural Discourses: Provincial Superior and Superior General (Temple)

Presentation of the program by the General Prefect of Spirituality and Community Life (Temple)

11:00    Break (coffee at Casa Padre Claret)

11:30    Integration among the participants.  Frs. Sebin Mundackal, Rohan Peires and Félix Ketoglo, CMFf, members of the CESC. (Temple)

13:00    Rest

13:30    Lunch (Casa Padre Claret)

16:30   Pilgrimage to Claretian places in Vic. Frs. Sebin Mundackal, Rohan Peires and Félix Ketoglo, CMFf, members of the CESC. (Indications will be given in the Temple)

Pilgrimage in three groups (Church of Santo Domingo, Church of San Felipe Neri and Church of San Justo-The old seminary of Vic)

19:15     Conclusion (CMF Community Courtyard)

19:30    Rest

20:00   Vespers. Fr. Julius Corridor, CMF. (Temple)

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

Tuesday 9: Where did we come from?

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

9:00     Morning prayer. Fr. Robert Kycia, CMF. (Temple)

9:30     Meditation 1. Fr. Juan Carlos Martos, CMF, Director of the CESC (Temple)

10:30    Personal time of prayer

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Temple Crypt)

13:00    Marian Prayer (Temple) 

13:30    Lunch (Casa Padre Claret)

16:30    Meditation 2ª. P. Josep Rovira, CMF, member of the CESC (Temple)

17:30    Personal time of prayer

18:45    Sharing in groups about the retreat experience (Temple)

19:30   Eucharist with Vespers Fr. Martín Azkaiturrieta, CMF, Provincial Superior of Sanctus Paulus, presides. Vespers by Fr. Gil Marandino Voto (Temple)

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

21:30    Prayer concert.  Ms. Maite López

Wednesday 10: Where did we come from?

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

9:00     Morning Prayer Fr. Roselio Díaz, CMF. (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

9:30     Conference 175 years of Claretian spirituality. Fr. Carlos Sánchez, CMF, Prefect General of Spirituality and Community Life. (Assembly Hall of the Episcopal Museum of Vic)

10:30    Rest (coffee at the Episcopal Museum in Vic)

11:00    Intervention of the Superior General, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF. (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

11:45     Conversation in groups (Escribanía, next to the Cathedral)

13:00    Rest

13:30    Lunch (Casa Padre Claret)

16:30    Workshops (Escribanía) Presentation of the theme and working together

19:00   Rest

19:30   Eucharist with Vespers.  Mons. Ángel Garachana, CMF presides. Vespers by Fr. Dominic Koottiyaniyil, CMF. (Temple)

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

Thursday 11: Where are we?

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

9:00     Morning prayer. Fr. Patrisius Weka Bakior, CMF. (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

9:30     Presentation of the results of the survey

10:15    Conference What is taking our vitality? Fr. Paulson Veliyannor, CMF, Director of the Sanyasa-India Institute of Consecrated Life, and H. Jolanta Kafka, RMI Superior of the Community of Reus. (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

11:15      Rest (coffee at the Episcopal Museum in Vic)

11:45     Conversation in groups (Escribanía)

13:00    Rest

13:30    Lunch (Casa Padre Claret)

16:30    Workshops (Escribanía) Presentation of the theme and working together

19:00   Rest

19:30   Eucharist with Vespers.  The Presider is Fr. Moses Okpanachi Musa, CMF.  Animates H. Sid Ching, CMF. (Temple)

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

Friday 12: Where are we?

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

9:00    Morning prayer.  Carolina Sánchez-Miranda, HICM. (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

9:30     Conference What is nourishing us? Fr. Anthony Igbokwe, CMF, Provincial Prefect of Formation and Spirituality. (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

10:30    Rest (coffee at the Episcopal Museum in Vic)

11:00    Conversation in groups (Escribanía)

12:15     Plenary (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

13:00    Rest

13:30    Lunch (Casa Padre Claret)

16:30    Workshops (Escribanía):   Presentation of the theme and working together

19:00   Rest

19:30   Eucharist with Vespers.  Fr. Amador Tumbaga, CMF presides.  Vespers by Fr. Jairo Peñuela, CMF. (Temple)

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

21:30    Contemplative Dance. Mrs. Maria Victoria Hernandez (Temple)

Saturday 13: Where are we going?

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

9:00     Morning prayer. Fr. Michelangelo Portugal, CMF. (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

9:30     Intervention of Cardinal Aquilino Bocos, CMF.

10:15    Conference New calls, perspectives and fears. Sr. Liliana Franco, ODN, President of the Latin American Conference of Religious (CLAR). (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

11:15      Rest (coffee at the Episcopal Museum in Vic)

11:45     Conversation in groups (Escribanía)

13:00    Rest

13:30    Lunch (Casa Padre Claret)

16:30    Workshops (Escribanía) Presentation of the theme and working together

19:00   Rest

19:30   Eucharist with Vespers.  Fr. Antonio Ferreira, CMF, presides.  Vespers by Sr. Maria Gracia García, mic. (Temple)

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

Sunday 14: Pilgrimage

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

09:00 Travel from Vic to Sallent

Morning prayer on buses. Fr. John Sabu Koottaparapill, CMF.

10:00   Group visit of the Birthplace and the Claret Museum.  PP. Juan Carlos Martos and Sebin Mundackal, members of the CESC

10:45   Rest (coffee in the courtyard of the CMF Community)

11:30    Sunday Eucharist.  Presides over Fr. Màxim Muñoz, CMF. (Parish church) 

Entrance procession from Casa Natal

A brief explanation of the Temple will be given after the Mass.

13:30    Lunch (Fàbrica Vella, Espai Cultural.  Carrer Camp de la Bota 5, Sallent) 

16:30    Travel from Sallent to Montserrat

18:00   Visit to the Mother of God of Montserrat in the chamber

18:45    Vespers with the Benedictine Monastic Community

19:30    Travel back to Vic

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

Monday 15: Where are we going?

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

9:00    Eucharist with Lauds.  The Presider is Fr. Carlos Sánchez, CMF, General Prefect of Spirituality and Community Life.  Lauds by Mr. Miguel Angel Sosa, sc. (Temple)

10:15    Conference: How to be missionary mystics today?  Frs. Gonzalo Fernández, CMF, Director of the magazine Vida Religiosa y de Publicaciones Claretianas, and José Cristo Rey García Paredes, CMF, Professor Emeritus of the Theological Institute of Religious Life of Madrid (Episcopal Museum of Vic)

11:15      Rest (coffee at the Episcopal Museum in Vic)

11:45     Workshops (Escribanía)

13:00    Rest

13:30    Lunch (Casa Padre Claret)

16:30    Plenary: share the lived experience and suggestions (Temple)  

17:30    Rest

18:30    Prayer Vigil for the 175 years of the Foundation

20:30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

Tuesday 16: Celebration of 175 years of the Foundation

8:00     Breakfast (each in the house where you stay)

9:00     Morning prayer.  Liturgical Team (Temple)

11:00    Closing Eucharist.  Presided by Card. Aquilino Bocos, CMF. (Temple)

13:30    Lunch (Room in the building “Sucre”)

20.30   Dinner (Casa Padre Claret)

Updates / Chronicle

Interactive Guide Map on the Traces of Claret in Vic

Vic, Spain. An interactive map has been created by Sanctus Paulus Province for the Claretian Spirituality Congress in Vic, which will take place from July 7th to 15th, 2024. The map allows participants to explore the important sites associated with St. Anthony Mary...

Online Participation in the Spirituality Congress and the Closing of the Jubilee Year

Rome, Italy. Today, June 7, 2024, just one month before the beginning of the Claretian Spirituality Congress, we are providing you with guidelines for your online participation in the congregational events that will take place in Vic. The Spirituality Congress will be...