Soubre Community Assalted in the Ivory Coast

Jul 5, 2011 | Congregation, Ivory Coast, JPIC, Solidarity & Mission

Warsaw, Poland. The Provincial of Poland, the Major Superior in charge of the Mission in the Ivory Coast, shared with the Congregation the difficulties our missionaries are living in this country, exacerbated by political conflicts.

“A fraternal greeting from Poland. I am writing to let you know that during the night of July 1st our Mission of Soubre in the Ivory Coast was assalted by a group of five armed people. The Mission was ransacked. Father Zbigniew, the Pastor, is physically well, but his psychological condition has been affected. He will have to leave the Mission for a time to recover. Happy Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

–Fr. Krzysztof Gierat cmf

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JPIC as a Way of Life: Claretian Family Workshop

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