“I feel useful when I realize that I can make a difference in teenagers’ lives.”
I have been working in Claretian social projects for more than 10 years now. In January of 2017, I joined as a Social Educator at the Center for Children and Adolescents, one of the many social services managed by Claretians in Brazil.
At first the challenge was to understand my role, with the help of the whole team it was gradually unraveled. My task is to create modules related to social bonding, which can help in the lives of young people who are in different situations of social vulnerability. Generosity, compassion, culture, prejudices, charity, environment, peace, justice, rights, and duties are some of the themes we work on. We also engage these young people in cultural activities such as dancing, violin lessons and theater-circus.
As a young man I carry the youthful strength of believing that better days will always come and that it is possible to get where we want.
Aristides Menezes Canuto (Brasil)