Sixteen Claretian Publishing Houses Gather to Dream Together

Feb 15, 2023 | Biblical Ministry and Communication, Claret Publishing Group

On February 13, 2023, the Claret Publishing Group (CPG) held a meeting to discuss the current state of their work and their vision for the future of the ministry of publications. The CPG is a global network of 16 Claretian publishing houses, whose mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus through print and digital media, moved by the same spirit as St. Anthony Mary Claret.

The meeting was presided over by Fr. Henry Omonisaye, Prefect of Biblical Ministry and Communication, who highlighted the importance of spreading the Word of God through books, booklets, and other forms of media. The attendees were given an overview of the new structure of the Prefecture, which has been reorganized to better serve the mission of the CPG.

Each of the 16 publishing houses shared the current status of their work and the challenges they face in continuing to effectively evangelize through their publications. The meeting ended with a presentation of the CPG’s vision for the future of evangelization through print and digital media. The CPG plans to continue to use all possible means for evangelization, following the charism of St. Anthony Mary Claret.

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