Silver Jubilee Celebration of First Religious Profession in Korea Independent Delegation

Apr 19, 2020 | Anniversaries, Korea, Profession Anniversaries

Nampyeong, Korea. On April 13, 2020, the first day of the plenary meeting of Korea Independent Delegation, a Thanksgiving Mass for the members who marked their First Religious Profession silver jubilee took place. The jubilarians are Br. Paolo Nak Kil Joo, CMF, and Fr. Vincent Hoi Jin Lee, CMF. There were no guests invited to the celebration due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, the members of the Delegation participated in the Mass presided over by Fr. Pedro Sung Woong Kim, CMF, Major Superior of Korea, and gave thanks to God for the Claretian vocation of all. After the Holy Eucharist, a brotherly fellowship was shared in great joy.


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