Second Celebrative Event of the Claretian Centenary in Trieste

Mar 19, 2012 | Institutes of Consecrated Life, Italia

Trieste, Italia. On the 29th of February, the “Veritas” Cultural Center of the Jesuits organized the second event of the centenary celebration of the arrival of the Claretian Missionaries in Trieste.

Fathers Josep Rovira, CMF and Angelo Cupini, CMF moderated by the Superior of the Trieste community, Fr. Renato Caprioli, CMF presented the theme “Testimony: new perspectives of Religious Life” giving rise to a lively and timely dialogue which drew the attention of a heterogeneous audience of lay people, priests and religious.

The presenters proposed ways and concrete examples by which religious life could be a sign within the Church and the society, especially through prayer, fraternity, and evangelical simplicity.

It was highlighted that “an important task in the New Evangelization, corresponds to the consecrated life in both its old ways, as in the new. It should be remembered that all the great movements of evangelization in the two thousand years of Christianity are linked to forms of Gospel radicalism” (Document on the New Evangelization, n.8).

After a brief dialogue with the audience, the exchange of views continued, with references to the local church, during a fraternal meal with Fr. Mario Vit, Director of the Veritas Cultural Centre the presentors, Fr. Renato Caprioli, Fr. Oswair Chiozini and some lay people.

It was, finally, with the gentle presence of the Provincial of Germany, Fr. Stefan Wolf, remembering that the house of Trieste “was founded for the Germans”. Fr. Stefan symbolized this bond with a typical german gift.

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