Sanyasa Launches The New Academic Year

Jun 24, 2024 | Bangalore, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Bengaluru, India.  Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa held the formal inauguration of its new academic year on Saturday, June 22, 2024. The acts of the day began with a solemn votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, presided over by Rev. Fr. Sabu George, CMF, President of the Institute.  Following the Mass, in a simple but solemn function, Fr. Sabu delivered the inaugural message and declared the academic year open, in the presence of the management, staff, students, and invited guests.

The following courses are scheduled for the current academic year: licentiate and diploma in theology of consecrated life, formative accompaniment: theory and practicum, safeguarding minors in ministry, discerning leadership for the consecrated, intensive preparatory for perpetual profession in forge key, contemplating with the celluloid: spiritual exercises with movies, summer course in consecrated life, online courses in essentials of consecrated life and Bible studies, and national and regional seminars in consecrated life.  

There are currently 20 students on campus for the year-long residential courses. The online course on essentials of consecrated life, scheduled to begin in July, has already 120 registrations. For the other briefer residential courses, anywhere between 16 to 50 participants each are expected, if one goes by the enrollment of the last academic year.

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21st Sanyasa Seminar on Dignitas Infinita

21st Sanyasa Seminar on Dignitas Infinita

Bengaluru, India.  The Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa (ICLS) held its 21st Annual Seminar on the theme, “Consecrated to be Pilgrims of Hope Ensuring Dignitas Infinita for God’s People” on February 8 & 9.  The purpose was to read the 2024 seminal document...

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