Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we Claretian Missionaries commit ourselves to foster a culture of care that permeates society and leads us to always seek what is best for the lives of others. According to our 2021 General Chapter, we want to help every person, especially children, adolescents and vulnerable adults, to grow up in freedom and responsibility, respected in their dignity and rights.
Therefore, we are determined to combat and eradicate every practice of abuse, disinterest and neglect. Any action that infringes on the freedom and integrity of persons is totally contrary to the Gospel. No kind of physical or emotional abuse should be allowed in our institutions and activities. Abuses of power and conscience seriously harm people and have no justification whatsoever.
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Thanks a lot for your attention. Let’s collaborate to eradicate all over the world any kind of abuse or inappropriate behaviour. Let’s promote all together a culture of care and safe environments.
In this website you can read and download Claretian Missionaries Vademecum, that contains a Manual for the protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults and a Protocol in the Event of a Possible Crime of Sexual Abuse. You can also read the 2025 letter of the Superior General promulgating these documents, which replace those previously in force in the Congregation.
Message of the Superior General