Revision of Balance Sheets and 2020 Budgets Done

Feb 24, 2020 | Economy

Rome, Italy. It’s the time of the year once again for the review of the submitted balance sheets and budgets of the different Major Organisms. The members of the General Commission on Economy met from February 17 to 21, 2020 at the General Curia in Rome for this matter and made these files ready for the final approval during the intensive sessions of the General Government in March 2020.

Bro. Salvador Segura Santana, CMF, Assistant to the General Econome, joins the commission this year. Present were Bro. Giovanni Mauricio Ramírez Vanegas (Colombia Oriental – Ecuador Province) and Frs. John K.J. Arackaparampil (Northeast India Independent Delegation), Luiz Claudemir Botteon (Brasil Province), Ángel de la Parte París (Santiago Province), Rafael Gómez Busto (Sanctus Paulus Province), and Manuel Tamargo (General Econome), CMFF.

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