Bengaluru, India. As part of the Ongoing Formation, the Claretian Province of Bangalore organized a Renewal Encounter for its young priests ordained between 2014 and 2020. The renewal program took place at Provincial Curia from 11th to 13th May 2022. There were 14 young Claretians who took part in the renewal encounter.

The primary purpose of this coming together was to renew and refresh the young members engaged in different ministries in various mission centers of the province. The three-day encounter consisted in sharing the joy of missionary life and some sessions of refresher input. Fr. Anil D’Sa, SDB, helped the young Claretians equip them with enhanced ministry methods with the youth. Fr. James Kannanthanam, CMF, guided the group to understand the prudence needed in ministry with minors and vulnerable adults. Fr. Sebastian Theruvanmoola, CMF, shared the modern ways of family ministry in the apostolate. The young priests were also able to spend half a day in Sumanahalli Campus visiting the persons affected with leprosy and HIV and understanding the concept of shared and collaborative ministry in the apostolate. Provincial Superior, Fr. Sabu Koottarappallil, inspired the young Claretians to understand the missionary vocation and community living.