Quinquennio 2018 – Congo

Apr 13, 2018 | ACLA, Congo, Formation, Ongoing Formation

Kikwit, Congo. The Word of God and Homily. This is the theme and subject of the 2018 Quinquennio of the Delegation of Congo that took place in Kikwit from 05 to 08 April 2018. Sixteen missionaries were present at this meeting organized by the Prefecture of Spirituality.

In connection with the importance of the Word God in our charism, the animators and the participants studied HOMILETIC DIRECTORY by the CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP AND THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SACRAMENTS. The study focused on the first part of this document. Fr. François Mwanza presented the first chapter: “The Nature of the Homily“; Fr. Joseph Mbungu on the second chapter: “The Interpretation of the Word of God in the Liturgy“; and Fr Robert Ndjoli on the third chapter, “The Preparation of the Homily.

Through a participatory method that involved personal work, group work, plenary discussions and a prayer atmosphere (Lectio Divina), the participants not only showed interest in the subject, but also made resolutions in their way of preparing homilies and in presenting them to the People of God. This is apparent from the evaluation of these three days of training. Likewise, they also benefited from the presence of Fr. Zenon Kihunga, the first Congolese Claretian, who answered several questions after sharing his experience in preaching the Word of God.


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