Publication of “Consecrated Life Series” Books

Oct 2, 2020 | Institutes of Consecrated Life

Bangalore, India. It has been the desire of ICL: Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa for quite a long time to contribute intellectually to the consecrated persons of India by publishing scholarly books on the themes related to Consecrated Life in English under “Consecrated Life Series.” It is an initiative of ICL in collaboration with Claretian Publications, Bangalore, to re-vision consecrated life and help consecrated persons to understand more clearly their identity, life, mission, and relevance. It seeks to promote and bring together the efforts of all those who are committed to the re-visioning and renewal of Consecrated life.

Book relaseThis joint effort with the vision and active guidance of Rev. Fr. Henry Omonisaye, CMF, General Consultor in-charge for the Claretian Higher Ecclesiastical Institutes, achieved its first milestone on 24th September 2020 by the release of the book of Rev. Fr. José Cristo Rey García Paredes, CMF, a renowned Claretian theologian from Spain. The book is titled Consecrated Life as a Parable of the Kingdom in two volumes. The first volume, which deals with topics like “Foundational Charismatic Roots and Identity,” “Prayer in Consecrated Life,” “Progressing in Consecrated Life,” and “Conformity with Jesus,” was released by Rev. Fr. Jose Koonamparambil, CMF, the Major Superior of Bangalore Province. Fr. George Panthalanickal, CMF, who celebrated his birthday on that day received the first copy as a gift.

The second volume, which presents topics such as “Celibacy Virginity for the Kingdom of God,” “Poverty for the Kingdom,” “Obedience for the Kingdom,” “Religious Community as a Parable of Love,” and “Consecrated Men and Women in the Mission of the Church,” was released by Fr. George Mattathil, CMF, Provincial Prefect of Formation of Bangalore Province. The first copy of the second volume was received by Fr. Michael Plamparambil, CMF, for his anticipated feast day on the same day of the release.

Four more books are already with the Claretian Publications getting ready for printing.

ICL is very grateful to the General Government of our esteemed Congregation for its encouragement and financial assistance in realizing this project. ICL also thankfully remembers Claretian Publications – Bangalore, on this memorable occasion.

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