Biblioteca Claretiana
Missal – Próprio da Congregação
Liturgia das Horas
Rito da Profissão
Livro de Canções
Necrologium Claretianum Appendices
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Você tem que estar logado como CMF para poder baixar o livro inteiro. Faça o login AQUI e atualize esta página
Directive on Exorcism
Directiva sobre exorcismo
Manual and Protocol for the protection of children and vulnerable adults, and the prevention and intervention against a crime of sexual abuse
Vademécum de los Misioneros Claretianos. Manual y Protocolo para la protección de menores y adultos vulnerables, y la prevención e intervención ante un delito de abuso sexual
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Santo Antônio Maria Claret
- Imaculado Coração de Maria
- Beatos Mártires Claretianos
- Veneráveis - Servos de Deus
- Recursos espirituais
- Estágios da vida
- Ano Claretiano
- A forja na vida cotidiana
- Claretianos Ontem & Hoje
- Proyecto Eucaristía-Vida
51 Mártires Claretianos de Barbastro
Beato Andrés Solá
Beatos Mártires Claretianos de Fernan Caballero, Sigüenza, Tarragona
Beatos 109 Mártires Claretianos
General Plan of Formation. GPF can quite fittingly considered as the Magna Carta on Formation that the Congregation, as mother and teacher, offers to its members, and above all to its new missionaries. It gathers up the core essentials of our missionary life and high lights its dimensions:charismatic, Christocentric, ecclesial, cordimarian and human.
Claretian Vocation Directory. “This Directory gathers together the most important points of reference, objectives, criteria, attitudes and options that must be present in an adequate pastoral approach to Claretian vocation ministry.
Initiation in the Ministry of the Word. Our formation should be a process of initiation in the ministry of the Word in such a way that the Word should become one of the hinges of the process of formation. IMW is a pedagogical tool geared to this goal.
Initiation into the Missionary Life, Manual for the Claretian Novice. This manual presents the summary of the main topics and formation suggestions that the novices in the congregation must learn and assimilate during the novitiate.
Historical Notes on Formation in the Congregation. These notes are the fruits of the research by Fr. J.M Palacios cmf who has presented them in a book as an aid for Claretian formators so that they may come to know the partly scattered and forgotten tradition of our formative reality.
Traces of Claret. A guide to the essentials to get to know the congregation of Claretian missionaries prepared by Fr. Vicente Sanz Tobes. It is a useful hand book of information about the congregation for missionaries in formation |
17 The Forge
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