Mar del Plata, Argentina. The 10th General Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF) took place from the 15th– 21st April in Mar del Plata, Argentina with the Theme: Proclaiming the Word of God: Gift of Life for a fragile world Rom 8: 22-23.
This event which takes place every six years offers all the members of the Federation the opportunity to assemble, reflect together, present the reports of their activities, elect a new executive committee and propose some lines of action for the Federation.
This 10th General Assembly had to be postponed twice due to the pandemia and finally the third attempt was successful. With about 120 participants, the week-long Assembly lived the experiences of the local Church in Mar del Plata as well as the formation phase in a fruitful manner with visits to different communities and conferences respectively. The Centrality of the Word of God, the Word as a gift and the fragility of the World from the perspectives of Creation, Humanity and the Church were well presented. However, “the life-giving character and power of the Word gives us hope for when we are weak and fragile then we are strong (2Cor 12,10) due to the power of the Logos who abides and accompanies us” said one of the attendees.
The Congregation is an Associate member of the Federation and has 5 representatives from Cameroun, East Asia (PBF), San José del Sur, USA-Canada and the General Prefect of Bible Ministry and communication. The Congregation was also able to present some of her activities in the areas of publications, bible seminars and digital presence in the assembly.
New executive committee members were elected from among the two categories of members (99 Full members and 243 Associate members). The Congregation was also elected as part of this new Executive Committee. Jaime Michea, the coordinator of the Biblical Animation of the Province of San José del Sur was appointed by the General Prefect to represent the Congregation on the Executive Committee for the sexennium.
Source | Fr. Henry Omonisaye, CMF, General Prefect of Bible Ministry and Communication.