Priestly Ordination of Carlos Soria, CMF

Jan 16, 2021 | Ordinations, San José del Sur, Uncategorized

Tucumán, Argentina. Saturday January 9, in the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, the missionary Carlos Soria from the Province of San José del Sur was ordained as a priest. The celebration took place in the missionary’s native city, in the parish church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was animated by a Claretian community until the beginning of the 90’s.

The ordination was presided over by the Archbishop of Tucumán, Mons. Carlos Sánchez; due to the pandemic situation, the group of accompaniers was reduced to family and a small group of friends and missionaries of the Province.

Carlos Soria, is currently appointed in Temuco (Chile), where he animates the educational community of the Claret School. In his words of gratitude, he remembered so many victims of the pandemic and asked everyone to continue animating the mission from the care and commitment for the Kingdom of God.


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