Spain. Last October 23rd, the Faculty of Theology of Granada organized a moving tribute to Fr. Francisco Contreras Molina, cmf. Fr. Contreras -Professor of Sacred Scripture- was for 30 years member of this staff who combined with multiple Biblical, poetic and other publications. The Rector of the Faculty, Fr. Ildefonso Camacho, opened the function by reading some words of the Provincial of the Society of Jesus; Fr. José María Hernández, superior of the Claretian community of Granada and companion of Fr. Contreras, made a heartfelt portrayal of his life and the Professor Emeritus Antonio Rodríguez Carmona presented his biblical portrayal.
There were two testimonies of his life: Mr. Rafael Delgado, President of the Faculty Friends Association, and Mr. Juan de Dios Martínez, President of the Spanish Association of Fight against Cancer, who focused on his posthumous book “Cancer has Given Me Life.” Fr. Juan José García, Provincial of the Province of Betica, closed the function by thanking God, the Faculty and all the organizers and participants of the act for their testimony and recognition for this outstanding missionary of the Word, whom God has taken with Him.