Perpetual Profession in Luanda, Angola

Dec 22, 2022 | Mãe da África, ACLA

The perpetual profession of students Gil Marandino Voto Fernandes Mateus, CMF and Tomás Kakumbi Soma, CMF of the Mãe da África Delegation took place on 16 December 2022 at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Luanda, Angola.

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1st East African Claret Way Youth Convention

1st East African Claret Way Youth Convention

Nyamiongo, Tanzania. The 1st East African Claret Way Youth Convention took place at Nyamiongo Parish, Musoma Diocese, Tanzania, from July 4th to 7th, 2024. The convention's main theme was "MY TOMORROW IS NOW", and it also included a reflection on the 175 years of the...

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Clotet Year - Año Clotet
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