Perpetual Profession at Claret Nivas, Barrackpore

Jun 5, 2020 | Chennai, Kolkata

Barrackpore, India. On 31st May 2020, the Claret Nivas Community and the Kolkata Delegation Curia Community, Barrackpore, had the triune celebrations, namely the Feast of Pentecost, the Visitation of Our Lady to St. Elizabeth, and the Perpetual Profession of our brothers. The Holy Eucharistic celebration began at 11:00 am with a solemn procession. Rev. Fr. V. Lawrence CMF, the Major Superior of Kolkata Independent Delegation, was the main celebrant. Rev. Fr. George Kollamparampil, CMF, the Superior of Claret Nivas highlighted in his homily the importance of the religious vows and the availability for the universal mission.

Four of the students who belong to the Province of Chennai, namely Ashish Pani, Jikhoriyo Nayak, Francis Kumar A., and Shyam C. and two from Kolkata Delegation namely, Abinash Toppo and Robert R. took the Final Profession. At the end of the Holy Mass, the Major Superior conveyed his best wishes and the message of Father General to the candidates. A felicitation program and sumptuous meal followed.


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