Sucre, Venezuela. On Sunday, December 8, 2019, at the Iglesia Católica Claret in Los Dos Caminos of the Municipality of Sucre, Students Ánder Chaverra, David Tapias, José Yerlin Asprilla and Yemir Cuesta, CMFF, made their Final Vows in the hands of Fr. Juan Bautista Flórez Palacio, CMF, delegated by the Provincial Superior to receive their vows since he and his council members are all in the ongoing meeting with the General Government in Medellin, Colombia.
Likewise, Scholastics Alejandro Ramos, Cleiber Flores, Jalvik Negrón, Nélson Carrero and Víctor Manuel Fontalvo, CMFF renewed their vows. The Congregation, the perpetualists and the renewalists are all joyful and grateful for the vocation, for the call to be missionaries, listeners and servants of the Word.
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