Ordinations in Sanctus Paulus

Oct 20, 2020 | Ordinations, Sanctus Paulus

Vic, Spain. On Saturday, October 17, 2020, two members of Sanctus Paulus Province received the Order of Presbyters, and one student received the Order of Deacons from the hands of Msgr. Romà Casanova, Bishop of the Diocese of Vic, at the Temple-Sepulcre of St. Anthony Mary Claret in Vic. The two deacons ordained a priest are Rev. Jobish Kuriakose, CMF, and Rev. Sarin Nadupparampil, CMF, both native of India assigned in the Basque region. The student was Canri Situmorang, CMF, a native of Indonesia, and is currently studying biblical studies in Barcelona.

In his homily, Msgr. Romà emphasized three points: election, consecration, mission, three words that best describe the celebration, and the person of the elect. He reminded the ordinands that they are all elected, consecrated, and are sent to the mission. He pointed out that for St. Anthony Mary Claret, everything is mission. Wherever he may be, whatever it may be, he does it as “a mission.” Because wherever he may be, he carries in his heart the “mission.”

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Due to the pandemic, the parents and relatives of the ordinands weren’t able to attend. But the members of the Province of Sanctus Paulus, their brothers, were present in this important moment of their lives. The Provincial Superior, Ricard Costa-Jussà, CMF, and other members from the Basque region and Catalunya joined in the celebration. The Province provided a live stream of the celebration for the families of the ordinands in India and Indonesia and the rest of the Province who could not join.

The Mass was celebrated in Spanish with monitions and readings in Catalan, English, and Euskera. The ordinands spoke in their native languages during their words of thanks.

Right after the celebrations, the newly ordained priests and deacon presented themselves before the tomb of our Father Founder, St. Anthony Mary Claret, whose 150th death anniversary we celebrate this year.

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