Opening of the academic year in the Claretianum of Rome

Oct 26, 2009 | Education Ministry, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Roma. Taking into account the Feast day of the titular of the Claretianum, Saint Anthony Mary Claret, in the afternoon of the eve, October 23, the opening of the academic year 2009-2010 was held in the Aula Magna with some welcome words and a prayer from the Director of the Institute of Theology of Consecrated Life, Fr. Josu Mirena Alday, who read the telegram of Mons. Rino Fisichella, Rector of the Lateranum Pontifical University, to which the Claretianum is affiliated. The Most Rev. Fr. General, Josep Maria Abella was present in his role as Moderator of the Institute, and addressed a few words of support and wishes of a fruitful academic year. Then, Fr. George Lanithottam, Secretary of the Institute, read the report of the previous course 2008-2009.

Professor Marco Guzzi, poet and philosopher, pronounced the inaugural lecture: “Seasonal crisis and new beginnings. Challenges to the consecrated life”, awakening a keen interest in all present: teachers, students, most of the general government, and sympathizers of the Claretianum. A long applause put an end to the inaugural act and the new academic year 2009-2010 was opened with a lunch at the premises of the Institute.

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