Online Training for Mission Procurators and SOMI Collaborators

Mar 18, 2024 | Mission Procure, Apostolate

Rome, Italy. The first of the three planned training sessions for the Mission Procurators took place on 13 March 2024 online with simultaneous translations in English and Spanish. Around 82 participants took part from various countries to know about the Congregational Process in managing projects, the topic of the day. 

Fr. Lord Winner, CMF, the General Mission Procurator  focused on sharing the criteria that have been established for the Procura over the years by the General Government to manage the projects of the Congregation. He began with the objectives of the Mission Procure as mentioned in the Directory No. 123. He elaborated on each of the four criteria with descriptive examples. 

“It not only brought clarity to the new Mission Procurators, but also satisfaction to many Mission Procurators working many years in this field. Since it is the first of time, a meeting conducted at international level to discuss the project criteria by the teams which make use of them”.

 Fr. Lord Winner, CMF also discussed the issues faced in project implementation and ended up providing the future vision of the work of the Mission Procures in the Congregation. 

Ms. Claudia Valentini, the Project Officer of the General Mission Procure shared the tools that the Procurators can count on and that are offered by the General Mission Procure. Knowing that they exist and learning how to use them, together with the criteria that were offered earlier, can help the work of the Procurators to be more effective and opens up many possibilities for greater coordination with the General Procure and with other Procures.

The participants actively took part in the training by asking many questions at the time of the interaction. Those questions that could not be answered at the time, were promised to be  answered later and sent to the participants through email.  

The response to the training in large numbers has indicated that there is indeed a desire to continue to grow in coordination and teamwork. For this reason, Fr. Pedro Belderrain, CMF, the General Prefect of Apostolate, thanked the efforts of the people who participated, the present General Mission Procurator, and the previous Procurators, who opened many paths to be able to continue working to this day. 

This training, which is the first of its kind for all the Mission Procurators of the Congregation, has created lots of interest and so the organizers are hopeful that it will improve the working conditions on the projects in the whole of the Congregation. 

Source: Fr. Lord Winner CMF, the General Mission Procurator  

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