New novices in the Independent Delegation of St. Joseph Vaz

Sep 19, 2021 | Formation, Noticeboard, Novitiate, St. Joseph Vaz

Sri Lanka. On the 7th of September 2021 The postulants namely Mariathasa Ajeethkumar, Sathiyaseelan Antony Jeyaraj, Justin Selvaraj Davin, Sahayam Livintan Kanjush and Christunathan Kiresiyan from St. Joseph Vaz Independent Delegation of the Claretian Missionaries in Sri Lanka have joyfully begun their novitiate formation in the Congregation.

Certainly, this is a reason for joy and good news for the Congregation. All of them have completed their philosophical studies in Madurai, India, before entering this stage of formation.

The rite of initiation was presided over on behalf of the Major Superior by Fr. S.M.S. Satheesh, CMF Consultor and Prefect of Economy of the delegation. In accordance with the rites, the postulants expressed their desire and asked the president for admission to the novitiate, and he did so. In his exhortation, after the reading of the Gospel of John (Ch. 15), Father Satheesh advised the novices to review their lives daily, to listen to Jesus, to be grateful to Him and to practice silence. It was a simple but very meaningful celebration within the community.

Fr. S. Maria Arul CMF, novice master, expressed his joy to exercise this mission entrusted to him by the Congregation. He asked the novices to always keep the purpose of the novitiate formation enshrined in the Constitutions n° 61. Pointing to the Gospel read at the entrance rite, he said that it is Jesus who has chosen the novices in love, therefore, he has a purpose. Therefore, the novices should know Jesus himself in prayer and live it faithfully.

It is an important moment for the Delegation as this is the first group of novices that the Delegation has after becoming a Major Organism in 2019.

By Fr. J. Dilan Rojan CMF


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