Meeting of the Governments of the Provinces of Colombia-Ecuador and Colombia-Venezuela

Sep 18, 2018 | Colombia - Venezuela, Colombia Oriental - Ecuador, MICLA

Bogota, Colombia. After the conclusion of the Provincial Chapter of Colombia-Ecuador, the Superior General, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, convoked the Governments of the two Provinces in Colombia for a two-day joint meeting from 16th to 17th September 2018. The two Provincial Superiors, Frs. Armando Valencia and Josue González, CMFF with their respective Consultors participated in the meeting.

The first day was dedicated to reflect on the exercise of the responsibility of the Provincial Superior and the Consultors according to the norms of the Congregation. The meeting studied the spirit and directives of the Constitutions and Directory on Governance in the Congregation. Study of the documents and dialogue on various questions of governments were part of the program. There was also discussion on the norms regarding prevention of abuses of minors and other abuses, and the processes of dealing with cases when they might unfortunately occur.

The second day, 17th September, was spent on discussing the need for collaboration between the two Provinces and the concrete ways of working hand in hand in the various areas of apostolates and formation. After having done an exercise of recuperating the memory of the growth of Claretians in Colombia and the different moments of closeness and distance between the two Provinces in the course of history, the meeting deliberated on concrete activities which should be carried out together for strengthening the missionaries and working effectively for the good of the people of God in Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.

Father General invited the group to think and act with the heart of God (MS 72) in the exercise of responsibility in the Provinces by having their gaze fixed on Christ on one hand, and on the struggles of the people on the other.

“When we are self-referent and fixed on ourselves, our diversities become threats to unity. When we walk in the Spirit of Christ, diversities become complementarity reinforcing our unity in the same charism.”

The encounter was a time of prayer and reflection in a climate of discernment to listen and respond to the call of God to the missionaries in this part of the world.

Interprovincial Meeting of two Colombias 2


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