Meeting of the Claretian Family Team in Vic

Nov 14, 2022 | Claretian Family

The first meeting of the Claretian Family Team was held from November 11 to 13, 2022 in Vic, after the 10th meeting that took place in Rome in December last year . It was Coordinated by María Gracia García Baquero, Superior General of the Missionary Sisters of the Claretian Institution and president pro tempore of the Claretian family.

The team took up the conclusions of the X encounter of the Claretian family around four themes:
(1) The dimension of communication in the family;
(2) The presentation of the Claretian family and the common charismatic traits of the groups that compose it;
(3) A common online formation proposal with an annual meeting for the next three years;
(4) A work schedule for the elaboration of statutes that will constitute the Claretian Family as an association for apostolic evangelization before the Holy See.

Sebin Mundackal CMF, member of the team of the Center of Claretian Spirituality (CESC) of Vic, facilitated a formative space on key moments and historical characters in the journey of the Claretian family.

The subsequent dialogue, as well as the moments shared with the communities of the Missionaries of the Claretian Institution of Vic, the Religious of Mary Immaculate Claretian Missionaries of Sarriá and Reus, the missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Claretians of Vic and Sallent and the visits to the CESC and the museums of Vic, Sallent and Reus, etc. allow us to advance in mutual recognition and to grow in the familiarity that we recognize as a gift of the Spirit in St. Anthony Mary Claret.

The different realities and groups of the family were present in the different moments of shared prayer around the crypt and tomb of the Saint in Vic.

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